Pisco, What is Pisco, Types of Pisco, Pisco production

Pisco speaks to what is Pisco, types of Pisco, Pisco production and the distinctive taste of such.

It is a South American liquor distilled from grapes.

It was first produced by sixteenth century Spanish settlers but today is also made in Cile, Peru and Bolivia. There is ongoing legal disputes between Chile and Peru as to ownership of the name.

The liquor is named after the Peruvian coastal town of Peru. It is actually the name of a local bird. It is reported that the production began using the poor quality discarded wine grapes which at first produced a brandy like liquor.

The drink first began to acquire more consumers when the sailors who moved products from the colonies to Spain. It became a favourite and the popularity of the drink quickly grew. The sailors were known to drink it and officers drank whisky and better quality spirits.

It remained popular until the mass producing of rum which had lower prices and a smoother taste taste converted many drinkers. The drink is made from the Muscat, Torontel and Pedro Jimenez variety of grapes.

The accepted designations of are:

Regular, 30% to 35% (60 to 70 proof) does not have much taste as it is watery with a sweet woody taste and is slightly yellow in colour.

Special, 35% to 40% (70 to 80 proof). Reserve, 40% to 43% (80 to 86 proof) are a similar drink and again has a sweet woody taste and is slightly yellow in colour.

Great, 43% or more (86 or more proof) has a strong pleasant odour and is less sweet but still has the woody taste.


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